济南森诚翻译 2022-02-17 15:58 682
In recent years, the construction of new smart cities in China has accelerated and achieved positive results. During the 14th Five Year Plan period, it entered a new stage of big d...

Translation of Smart Bus Upgrading Solutions for Inspur

In recent years, the construction of new smart cities in China has accelerated and achieved positive results. During the 14th Five Year Plan period, it entered a new stage of big data-driven and in-depth application of intelligent technology, facing new opportunities and challenges. "Relying on the 'platform + ecology' strategy, Inspur New Infrastructure has built “114” integration solution, that is, one new infrastructure base, one urban brain platform and digital transformation applications in four fields. SecreTrans has been actively participating in the construction of smart city and provided translation services for the "smart bus upgrading" solution for Inspur New Infrastructure, The service quality and response speed were highly praised by the customer.
